Civil litigation

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Civil litigation is a process for resolving matters that are not criminal through negotiation or through the Courts with the most common being contract disputes, personal injury claims, and property disputes.

Gilmartin Solicitors have extensive experience in dealing with all aspects of civil litigation and the Injuries Resolution Board and are happy to discuss the claims process and outcomes with you.


If you have suffered personal injury,
whether physical or psychological, as a
result of the actions of another party, you
may be entitled to claim compensation.
Gilmartin Solicitors have comprehensive
experience working with clients who have
suffered injury or loss and are happy to
meet with you to discuss your potential
case. As your Solicitor in a Personal Injury
case, our job is to look out for your best
interest and protect your rights by help
provide a full overview of how your loss or
injury will impact your life now and in the
future. We will engage with all the relevant
Professionals on your behalf as well as
undertaking requirements with the Injuries
Resolution Board and negotiate on your
behalf. We will offer our advice on
accepting an offer or draft the necessary
Court Proceedings and represent you.


The vast majority of personal injuries *
cases arising out of road traffic accidents
will be submitted to the Injuries Board for

As outlined above, this may then lead to
Court proceedings in order to recover
compensation for injuries and expenses
incurred as a result of the road traffic
accident. We will use our expertise and
experience to obtain the most favourable
outcome for each client.

*In contentious business, a solicitor may
not calculate fees or other charges as a
percentage or proportion of any award or


Employers are obliged under Health &
Safety Law to provide a safe working
environment. If, through no fault of your
own, you feel that this is not the case and
have suffered personal trauma as a result of
an unsafe system of work or through the
negligence of another, then we can help you
in this regard. We can assist you in dealing
with your Employer and processing your
claim involving accidents such as trips,
slips and falls in the workplace or as a
result of defective machinery or equipment.

Contact Us

Please fill out our form with a short description of your issue and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Please know that we will not share your details with any third party


Frequently asked Questions

What are the current rates of stamp duty?

Stamp duty is payable on the transfer of property. Budget 2011 abolished the First Time Buyer Relief in respect of stamp duty. Stamp Duty on residential purchase is 1% up to a value of €1m. Non-Residential is 2% stamp Duty.

Do I have to pay Local Property Tax (LPT) if I am a First Time Buyer?

When you buy a property a certificate should be furnished confirming LPT has being paid on the property for the forthcoming year.


Non-Principal Private Residence (NPPR)

The Local Government (Charges) Act 2009 introduced a €200 charge for owners of non principal private residences. The charge applies mainly to owners of private rental property and holiday homes. This tax is no longer operable, however it is very important when purchasing a property that a certificate confirming it has being paid/isn’t operable is furnished.