Criminal Law

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At Gilmartin Solicitors we offer you the benefit of our extensive experience in criminal law.

Brian Gilmartin has practised criminal law since qualifying as a solicitor. Below is just a sample of the various areas we cover in the District & Circuit Courts on a daily basis.

While we are based in Galway city, we travel to Courts throughout the country. We are included on the Free Legal Aid Panel and we also deal with fee-paying clients.


These are very common offences under the
Irish criminal law system and covers such
areas as being intoxicated in a public place,
threatening and abusive behaviour,
obstructing a Garda in the course of his/her
duty and refusing to leave an area when
directed by a member of the Gardai.


We deal with offences from the
simple possession of a controlled drug to
possession for the purpose of sale and supply
and also the cultivation of drugs. In cases involving
larger quantities of drugs, the case may be
heard before the Circuit Court. We have broad
experience in dealing with drugs offences in

both the District and Circuit Courts.


Civil litigation involves resolving
legal disputes in civil matters,
either through negotiation or
Court proceedings.


The Non-Fatal Offences
Against the Person Act 1997 deals with
assault offences. A section 2 assault
is the most minor assault and is
generally dealt with in the District Court.
A section 3 assault is an assault which
causes harm and may be dealt with either
in the District Court or the Circuit Court.
We also deal with various other offences in
this area such as harassment, false
imprisonment, threats to kill or cause
serious harm and so forth.

Contact Us

Please fill out our form with a short description of your issue and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Please know that we will not share your details with any third party


Frequently asked Questions

Am I entitled to Legal Aid?

Brian Gilmartin is included in the Free Legal Aid Panel which means that the presiding Judge can assign Free Legal Aid to a solicitor from this Office in order to represent a person who qualifies under the scheme.

What period of disqualification will be imposed for a drink driving offence?

If a person is convicted of drink driving, the Judge must impose a period of disqualification from driving. The length of the disqualification depends on the person’s alcohol reading at the time of the offence.


When can you apply for restoration of your driving licence after being disqualified from driving?

The rules in respect of early restoration of your driving licence changed under the Road Traffic Act 2011. A person must be disqualified for a minimum of three years in order to apply for early restoration.